Saturday, August 15, 2015

Georgetown Fair Queen: Fair Week Portraits with 2015 Queen Sierra Dicken and Court

The 2015 Georgetown Fair was one of the best yet, and we can't wait to see what they put on the schedule for next year's fair. 2015 Miss Georgetown Fair Sierra Dicken and her court had a busy week, and on the last day of the fair we found a few minutes to do some pictures with Queen Sierra's fair week convertible sponsored by Toyota of Danville, and we got lucky with a few night pictures in the midway.

As the official photographers of the Georgetown Fair Queen we stay pretty busy in Illinois, and we also get a lot of questions about how we do our fair queen coverage. We plan on posting some behind the scenes stuff for photographers interested in the equipment we use, how we develop our coverage strategies, and stuff like that. In the meantime, here is a quick look at our fair week by the numbers:

1,500 is the approximate number of miles we drove back and forth from Indianapolis to Georgetown. Starting with fair family dinner, we went out six times in ten days. 36 is the number of rechargeable AA batteries we burned through on pageant day. If you happened to notice Joe handling a double flash rig at the pageant, we hope to talk a little more about this and our gear later. 11 is the number of posts we put up about the Georgetown Fair Queen Pageant in the month of August. In these posts we've shared about 100 pictures you won't see anywhere else. 4 is the number of camera bags, on average, that we took with us on each trip the Georgetown Fair.

After a busy week with the Georgetown Fair Queen, we're looking forward to sharing some of our other trips, and we've got some behind the scenes stuff to share with you, too. So keep checking back often and be sure to wave if you see Josh and Joe Travels!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Georgetown Fair Queen: Around the Fair with 2015 Queen Sierra Dicken and Court

The 2015 Georgetown Fair was the best yet, and we bet one of the best moments for Miss Georgetown Fair 2015 Sierra Dicken had to be getting to hold a baby kangaroo at the petting zoo. Let's face it - it's good to be queen, because Queen Sierra and her court get a fair experience unlike any other. This year we had a great group of contestants, with lots of new faces and a few of our favorite contestants returning from last year. For young women in the Georgetown community, we hope you remember some of these pictures when it comes time to enter next year, because being the Georgetown Fair Queen truly is an experience of a lifetime.  And Queen Sierra is just getting started.

With tons of scholarships and awards, the Georgetown Fair Queen Pageant is not just about a single winner. You might remember how every contestant walked in the Fourth of July parade and got the chance to go on the fair walk. The queen pageant is a chance to see the fair from a perspective you probably won't get any other time in your life, so we hope to see lots of new faces on the Georgetown Pageant stage next year. Until then, keep watching for more updates right here at Josh and Joe Travels!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Georgetown Fair Queen: 2015 Miss Georgetown Fair Queen Sierra Dicken and Court at Demolition Derby

Demolition Derby at the Georgetown Fair is one of the biggest nights of the fair, although queen pageant directors Karen and Jill are proud they do a pretty good job, too, when it comes to filling the grandstand. But come demo derby night our pageant stage is long gone and the queen and her court are on hand to help demo derby sponsors pass out hats and t-shirts in the crowd. This year Miss Georgetown Fair 2015 Sierra Dicken even got to help award the best looking demo car, and the entire court took turns swinging a sledge hammer at one of the cars before the derby got underway. And we still have more fair week pictures to share, so keeping checking back right here at Josh and Joe Travels!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Georgetown Fair Queen: 2015 Fair Week with Queen Sierra Dicken and Court

Fair week in Georgetown wouldn't be complete without a few special contests for kids, and Saturday afternoon we were at the fair with Queen Sierra Dicken and her court for the longest ponytail contest and the pedal tractor pull. The ponytail contest is always popular, and we were especially impressed with the turnout for the pedal pull. We've still got more pictures from fair week to share, so keep checking back for exclusive pictures right here at Josh and Joe Travels!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Georgetown Fair Queen: 2015 Queen Sierra Dicken and Court at Ping Pong Prize Drop and Motocross

Georgetown Fair is in full swing, and on Friday night 2015 Georgetown Fair Queen Sierra Dicken and her court were at Ping Pong Prize Drop and Motocross.  Ping Pong Prize Drop is one of the coolest fair events we've ever seen, and this year the ping pong balls came raining down from a Danville Fire Department ladder truck, and Queen Sierra managed to get up in that ladder faster than we could get our cameras pointed in her direction. Joe says it was even harder getting her to come down. Keep checking back for our next adventure at the Georgetown Fair right here at Josh and Joe Travels.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Georgetown Fair Queen: Fair Week Portraits with 2015 Queen Sierra Dicken and Court

Miss Georgetown Fair 2015 Sierra Dicken has a big year ahead of her, but she spends the first week at the Georgetown Fair with her court.  On the queen's court this year are first runner-up Kyle Messmore, second runner-up Haven Richards, third runner-up An'Recia Payne, and fourth runner-up Erika Bainbridge. Keep checking back for more photos of Miss Georgetown Fair Queen Sierra Dicken right here at Josh and Joe Travels!